Yes, the WatchMate WMX850, WatchMate Vision and XB-8000 are compatible with your VHF/DSC radio and can be connected to it over NMEA. Some things to note:
- The WatchMate's baud rate on its NMEA output will default to 38400. Typically a radio device will have its input rate default to 4800, so you will need to adjust one of them to match the other.
- At 4800 the WatchMate doesnt send out AIS data on its NMEA port, but it will send out GPS data and any other NMEA data it receives from one of its other ports (i.e. USB or NMEA input port).
- There is an automatic DSC calling feature on the WatchMate, but to date this has only been confirmed to work with the ICOM products (since not all manufacturers have chosen to implement the public interface for this). This enables a DSC call to be automatically placed from your WatchMate with two button clicks. There is no harm in trying this feature out with your VHF/DSC but it is not guaranteed to work for its not an ICOM radio.
- Unless you wish to try the DSC calling feature or you wish to send NMEA output from your VHF/DSC to the another port on the WatchMate, then go ahead and hook up the NMEA input port too. All NMEA data received on the input port will be echoed on the USB port and WiFi* port (*Vision and XB-8000 only) .