The Cortex has a wide range of options available. With either the H1 or H1P handset you have a range of VHF functionality.
To set up Presets- channels that you use most frequently go to the VHF page on your handset, by either tapping on the bottom left corner of the handset on the VHF button, or by selecting the menu Icon on the top of the screen.
Use the wheel selector to choose the VHF channel you wish to add as a preset.
Next press and hold on one of the available preset buttons and answer OK to add. Conversely to clear, press and hold on an existing channel, press and hold and then select clear.
To set up dual watch- (scans between channel 16 and your selected preset channel.
Go to your preset and toggle the DW switch
And you can now scan 16 and your other preset (19) in this example. The scanning is digital so you will not hear the VHF changing channel, even though it is scanning.