The Cortex offers full VHF operations with the H1 or H1P (portable) handset. The VHF functions can be found on the handset by pressing at the bottom left corner button (label VHF) or by taping the menu button or Icon>and selecting VHF.
The VHF view has a lot of information. The top row is the configuration banner, in this banner is the VHF channel and the High or low power selected for transmitting.
Second banner shows your call sign and the MMSI #
The next row has your GPS fix and time at UTC
The example we are at High power on Channel 19 (Port Operations).
DW- means Dual Watch- tapping the DW icon and the Dual Watch setting is activate.
Dual Watch scans the channel you choose (19 in the above and channel 16 )
To set up Dual Watch and presets, see Cortex VHF presets and Dual Watch
To change settings on the VHF tap the Gear (Cog) at the bottom right and you can control High and low power, by toggling the High power button
For better clarity in reception here, you can change Squelch, and fine tune the squelch bias (more sensitive, normal, less sensitive.)